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The International Training Program on theory and technology for ecological restoration of typical ecosystem along the Belt and Road

  Theme: Theory and technology for ecological restoration of typical ecosystem along the Belt and Road

  Description: The training course utilizes the research strength and facilities of the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, providing scientific and technological outreach for countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries, cultivates scientific and technological talents for countries within the frame, and promotes scientific and educational cooperation.

  Training content:

  1. Subtropical forest management and restoration

  2. Biodiversity protection

  3. Biological invasion prevention and management

  4. non-point source pollution prevention

  5. Conservation and restoration of coastal wetlands

  6. Crop residue resource utilization

  7. Ammonia emissions from agricultural systems and mitigation technology

  8. Agriculture wastewater treatment

  9. Treatment and utilization of heavy metal pollution in paddy field

  10. Ecological restoration in Karst ecosystem

  11. Lake wetland protection

  12. Soil erosion control in hilly areas  

  Field trip:

  1. Field trip to Changsha agricultural environment observation and research station

  2. Field trip to national field scientific observation and research station of Taoyuan agricultural ecosystem in Hunan Province

  3. Field trip to national field scientific observation and research station of Dongting Lake wetland ecosystem in Hunan Province

  Objectives: Responding to the Belt and Road initiative, the training program aims to improve the research capability of early career researchers from countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries in the field of ecological protection and restoration, build joint international scientific and technological teams in the field of ecological protection and restoration, and facilitate exchange and communication among people of these countries.

  Participants (by invitation):

  Researchers and administrative staffs engaged in ecological protection and restoration studies in universities, research institutes and government of countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries, with specific requirements as follows:

  1. Age under 45 years old;

  2. Engaged in ecological-environmental research field for more than 2 years;

  3. Postgraduates need to provide letters of consent and recommendation letters from their supervisors;

  4. Good health, no infectious diseases;

  5. Proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing for Chinese or English;

  6. Competent in ecological-environmental study, relevant proof is required such as published articles or thesis;

  7. Invitation is not extended to dependent or family members;

  8. Friendly to China, during the training period in China, abide by relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, respect Chinese customs;

  9.Members were limited less than 20, and screening will be conducted according the order of registration, nationality, etc.

  Duration: June 15-29, 2024.

  Location: Changsha, Hunan Province, China.

  Lecturers: Established scholars focused on ecological protection and restoration research, from Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) or renowned universities and research institutes in China.

  Expenses: All travel expenses, including round-trip airfare to China, local transport and accommodation, meals, and insurance expenses within China are provided to accepted participants.

  Registration deadline: April 10th 2024.

  Registration and queries please send to:

  Prof. Feng Li: lifeng@isa.ac.cn

  Mrs. Pinyang Zhang: zpyang@isa.ac.cn  

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